

Our experts were involved in creating and implementing the OtvoreneStrategie.sk (“Open Strategies”) project. The project deals with optimizing and improving processes and systems in the field of regional policy. The ultimate goal is to enhance quality, implementation and evaluation of creating development strategies at the local and regional levels.

About project

The project is implemented by our partner organization, the European Center for Management (ECM), which was established as a civic association in 2005 to provide and create conditions for the development and support of a modern civil and knowledge-based society in Europe. The following activities were implemented within the project:

• Concentration of all strategic documents in one place (central online library)
• Digitization of selected parts of all Urban / Municipal Development Programs (PRO/M)
• Analyzing their content and mining knowledge from PRO/M documents
• Creation of a professional digital platform for regional development, which will facilitate further work with strategies
• Elaboration of the final report and dissemination of results – proposal of system changes in the creation, implementation and monitoring of PRO/M

Project website
